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November 27th, 2024

British Mother Shares Painful Story: "My Daughter Committed Suicide Because of Smartphone Addiction

LONDON – Sophie Thompson, 17, was a cheerful and social girl from the suburbs of London, but her life drastically changed when she began spending more and more time on her smartphone. Within a few years, Sophie became withdrawn and anxious, and eventually lost her battle with depression.

Sophie’s mother, Corina Thompson, now shares her painful story to raise awareness about the dangers of excessive smartphone use among teenagers. "I didn’t notice the changes at first," recalls Corina. "It was just typical teenage fun, but over time it turned into a serious problem. Sophie became nervous, unhappy, and isolated."

According to a recent British study, every second teenager in the country uses a smartphone in a way that could be considered problematic. Nearly 50% of teenagers who excessively use smartphones experience symptoms of depression, while 64% report sleep problems. Experts from King’s College in London warn that a growing number of young people are at risk of anxiety, depression, and insomnia due to excessive smartphone use.

Sophie’s story serves as a painful reminder of the need for responsible technology use and greater care for children’s health in today’s digital age.

Smartphone Use Statistics Among Children

According to various sources, as many as 90% of children aged 12 to 17 in the UK use smartphones daily. Around 60% of them spend more than four hours a day on their phones, while nearly 30% use their phones for more than six hours a day. Among children under the age of 12, the numbers are also alarming, with about 70% regularly using smartphones, despite experts recommending limited screen time.

Consequences of Excessive Smartphone Use Among Children

Studies show that prolonged exposure to electromagnetic (EM) fields generated by smartphones can negatively impact children's brains and bodies. Since children's brains are still developing, exposure to radiation can cause disruptions in neuron function, changes in brain waves, and even DNA damage. Research suggests that EM fields can affect:

  1. Brain Development: Due to the higher density of brain tissue and thinner skulls in children, electromagnetic radiation penetrates deeper into the brain, potentially interfering with the normal development of the nervous system.
  2. Sleep Disorders: Children who use phones late at night often suffer from sleep disturbances, which can affect their growth and cognitive abilities.
  3. Hormonal Changes: EM fields can influence the production of melatonin, the hormone that regulates sleep, leading to insomnia and other disorders.
  4. Mental Health: Excessive smartphone use is associated with increased anxiety, depression, and social isolation among children and adolescents.
  5. Physical Symptoms: Headaches, dizziness, concentration problems, and fatigue are common symptoms in children frequently exposed to radiation from mobile devices.

HSC Protection Card as a Solution

To reduce the harmful effects of electromagnetic radiation, an increasing number of parents are seeking alternatives and protection for their children. One of the popular products on the market is the HSC protective card, developed using holographic scalar coherence technology. This card is designed to neutralize the harmful effects of electromagnetic fields by transforming them into positive radiation that is beneficial for the human body.

Studies conducted by the BION Institute, RF Exposure Lab in California, IBBU Institute for Bioenergetic Research in Austria, and the IMEDIS Center for Intellectual Medical Systems in Russia have shown that the HSC card reduces stress caused by radiation and improves the overall health of users. When placed on a mobile phone, the HSC card creates a protective field that helps the body adapt and reduce the impact of harmful EM fields, allowing for healthier technology use.

As parents look for ways to protect their children from the effects of electromagnetic radiation, the HSC card stands out as a product that can help neutralize these negative effects, providing users with a safer and more secure way to use smartphones.

New Product: SyncEnergy Bracelet

By the end of this year, a new SyncEnergy Bracelet is expected to hit the market, offering additional protection for children and adults from the harmful effects of mobile devices and electromagnetic radiation on physical and mental health. Similar to the HSC protective card, the SyncEnergy bracelet is based on HSC technology, helping to neutralize harmful electromagnetic radiation. Additionally, the bracelet can help reduce the impact of conditions such as ADHD in children by supporting their energy balance and mitigating the effects of environmental stressors.

The combination of the SyncEnergy Bracelet and HSC protective cards will provide comprehensive protection from the negative effects of mobile technology, offering better defense, improved energy levels, and long-term health preservation. This innovative product will help both children and adults stay protected in a world increasingly exposed to electromagnetic radiation, supporting their immune system, energy balance, and overall well-being.

The introduction of the SyncEnergy Bracelet by the end of the year represents a step forward in combating the harmful effects of technology, offering an additional layer of protection and safety for the whole family.