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January 9th, 2024

Technology and awards

Saša Batinac


HSC ( holographic scalar coding ) technology is the result of decades of laboratory research by American, Russian, Chinese, Croatian, and other scientists from all over the world. The basic concept of the technology was initially developed in the United States for the needs of the American space program by NASA and further development was carried out by a group of international scientists. HSC was developed based on Tesla’s scalar principles and multidimensional hologram physics; it actively encodes the fractal dynamics of the subject’s quantum energy correlations. Simply put, HSC technology is a programmed dynamic field of protection from electromagnetic radiation (EM) In the case of Teslass sunglasses protection from BLUE LIGHT. Light is the only electromagnetic radiation visible to the human eye. On average, the human eye can see light with a wavelength of 380 to 780 nm (visible light). The human eye distinguishes colors depending on the wavelength of light, from violet with the smallest wavelength to red with the longest wavelength. Light in the broadest sense includes both ultraviolet and infrared radiation. HSC technology approach does not follow the classical (Herzian) field approach in 3 or 4 dimensions of Einstein's space-time, making it somewhat challenging for some to comprehend.

The protective and energetic features of HSC technology have been systematically tested, verified, and documented in specialized laboratories in Europe and the world. Designer of the HSC protection technology is Mr. Slavko Lauš. Mr. Slavko Lauš, has received many international prizes and awards in the field of reduced effects of negative electromagnetic radiation for his innovations and earlier versions of the products that we now proudly call the HSC technology. The properties and positive effects of HSC technology and patents on human health have been tested and certified in specialized laboratories in Europe and all over the world. BION INSTITUTE Ltd. Ljubljana, Slovenia RF Exposure Lab, California, United States.


NESU card, earlier patent and product version of HSC card received these awards:
(note: the same patent improved and updated is the technological basis of all our TESLASS - HSC products


BIS 2013, London, UK – gold medal
INST 2013, Taipei – gold medal
INPEX 2013, Pittsburgh, USA – gold medal
International Innovation & Invention Expo 2013, Macao – gold medal
EUROINVENT 2013, Romania – gold medal
Archimede 2013, Moscow, Russia – gold medal
Technology Expo 2013, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – silver medal
IIFME 2012, Kuwait – gold medal
INOVA 2012, Croatia – gold medal
INPEX 2012, Pittsburgh, USA – gold medal
EUROINVENT 2012, Romania – gold medal